VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:40:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:34:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
AXIOMAIR 12/3/2024-3:27:19 dns service error: name conflict
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:19:3 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:17:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:17:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:16:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:16:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:7:1 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:5:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 12/3/2024-3:4:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-3:1:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-2:59:19 Cannot read property pushState of null
OPERA 12/3/2024-2:49:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-2:22:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:58:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:56:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:53:39 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:53:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:53:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:49:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:48:14 Cannot read property close of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:43:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:38:3 Cannot read property lastIndexOf of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:36:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:26:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:19:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:19:9 Cannot read property stop of null
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:11:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:10:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:9:49 Cannot read property write of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-1:7:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:59:29 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:54:56 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:48:6 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:40:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:40:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:26:5 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:9:1 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 12/3/2024-0:2:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIOBUSTER 12/3/2024-0:0:33 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:56:48 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Istanbul
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:51:40 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:51:9 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
RIVO 12/2/2024-23:33:45 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:29:23 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:28:13 Cannot read property substring of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:24:3 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-23:23:59 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
RIVO 12/2/2024-23:22:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:58:26 Cannot read property terminate of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:53:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:53:15 Cannot read property terminate of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:51:9 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:50:45 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:46:4 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:42:48 elf is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:42:36 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:26:13 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:17:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:11:30 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:10:18 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:9:52 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:7:54 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-22:1:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-21:57:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-21:54:18 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-21:48:31 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-21:40:23 Cannot read property set_value of null
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-21:38:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-21:26:47 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-21:1:20 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:58:38 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:53:35 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:52:7 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
RIVOPLUS 12/2/2024-20:52:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:46:56 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:32:56 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:32:31 Cannot read property service of undefined
PROJECTSBUS2 12/2/2024-20:31:48 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:29:5 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:25:53 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:18:53 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
RIVOPLUS 12/2/2024-20:10:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:7:45 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-20:1:5 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:58:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:57:15 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:44:15 URI malformed
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:37:48 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:31:33 Cannot set property name of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 12/2/2024-19:29:47 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:17:5 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
RIVOPLUS 12/2/2024-19:12:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-19:4:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:58:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVOPLUS 12/2/2024-18:49:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:39:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:38:28 false == true
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:34:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:32:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:30:49 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:24:44 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:22:18 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:18:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:11:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:10:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-18:7:15 Cannot read property then of undefined
RIVOPLUS 12/2/2024-18:3:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:58:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:57:14 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading push)
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:51:58 dspoption is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:50:22 option is not defined
INTEGRO 12/2/2024-17:48:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:47:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:44:53 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:42:23 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:29:15 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:17:54 Cannot read property then of undefined
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-17:14:55 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:12:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:12:43 error is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:10:29 getaddrinfo -3007
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-17:7:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-17:3:31 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:56:54 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:50:36 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:46:52 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:44:37 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:40:5 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:39:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:34:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:32:22 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:31:55 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:31:38 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/Synology_216+II
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:21:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:17:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:13:21 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:9:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-16:2:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:55:31 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:48:43 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:44:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:41:22 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:37:15 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:36:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:34:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:26:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 12/2/2024-15:25:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:24:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:17:16 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-15:0:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:57:2 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:52:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:49:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:48:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:47:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:37:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:30:38 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:28:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
RIVO 12/2/2024-14:26:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:25:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 12/2/2024-14:25:15 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:23:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:23:18 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:18:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:17:37 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-14:12:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 12/2/2024-14:8:57 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
RIVO 12/2/2024-14:0:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:57:37 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:56:56 Cannot read property off of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 12/2/2024-13:46:43 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:46:43 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:46:11 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:45:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:39:59 Cannot read property service of undefined
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-13:34:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:33:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:30:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:18:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:18:20 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:14:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:12:51 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:11:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-13:7:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:58:29 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:53:45 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:53:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:39:22 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:30:52 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:30:13 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:27:33 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:26:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:25:59 Not running
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-12:21:57 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:19:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:16:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:7:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-12:7:32 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-12:3:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-12:1:32 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:56:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:56:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:55:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
PRIMO2REV2 12/2/2024-11:54:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:50:37 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:50:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:49:29 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:36:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:35:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:25:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:11:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 12/2/2024-11:6:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:2:22 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:1:23 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:1:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-11:0:49 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-10:56:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
MOTIVO 12/2/2024-10:52:9 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-10:48:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-10:38:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 12/2/2024-10:22:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-10:18:23 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
MF 12/2/2024-10:12:45 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-9:36:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 12/2/2024-9:35:43 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-9:33:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-9:24:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-9:23:20 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-9:17:52 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
OPERA 12/2/2024-9:16:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-9:0:35 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:59:33 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:58:54 Cannot read property substring of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:56:4 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:55:50 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:55:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
UNDEFINED 12/2/2024-8:54:43 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:54:24 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:54:21 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:41:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:41:24 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 12/2/2024-8:40:16 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:38:34 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:28:7 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:19:48 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:15:55 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:14:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:12:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:9:22 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:7:28 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:6:23 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:6:18 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-8:3:24 dns service error: unknown
SMSL 12/2/2024-8:0:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-7:56:44 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-7:56:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-7:53:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 12/2/2024-7:51:3 Cannot read property service of undefined
MF 12/2/2024-7:48:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 12/2/2024-7:47:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-7:32:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-7:30:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 12/2/2024-7:19:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-7:13:56 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:57:56 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:51:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:41:54 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
OPERA 12/2/2024-6:35:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:33:18 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:32:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:24:50 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:24:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:18:52 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:11:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:3:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:2:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-6:1:52 getaddrinfo EBUSY ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:59:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:56:30 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:56:13 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:55:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:55:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:54:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 12/2/2024-5:50:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:49:14 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:48:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:42:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:30:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:29:1 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:20:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:11:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-5:9:2 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:57:23 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:54:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:52:40 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:49:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:48:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:42:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:39:13 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:34:27 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:30:54 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:21:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:17:59 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:7:13 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-4:3:55 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 12/2/2024-4:0:45 EACCES: permission denied, scandir /mnt/USB/38F9-D233
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-3:26:5 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-3:18:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-3:17:33 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-3:15:9 Cannot read property then of undefined
MF 12/2/2024-3:7:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/2/2024-3:4:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-2:51:12 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-2:37:11 Cannot read property lastIndexOf of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-2:32:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-2:0:35 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-2:0:17 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-2:0:12 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-1:37:35 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-1:34:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-1:23:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-1:15:50 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-0:53:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-0:24:48 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-0:23:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-0:15:57 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/2/2024-0:7:5 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:50:55 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:50:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:40:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:37:31 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
MINIDSPSHD 12/1/2024-23:34:35 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:32:36 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:28:48 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:16:3 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-23:7:57 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:43:25 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:42:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:42:11 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:27:55 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:26:47 Cannot read property title of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:19:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:11:41 false == true
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:2:54 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-22:2:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:59:11 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:44:41 Cannot read property write of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:41:33 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:39:17 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:18:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:9:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:8:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-21:7:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:58:54 URI malformed
PRIMO2REV2 12/1/2024-20:56:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:55:3 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:54:37 Cannot read property toUpperCase of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:48:34 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:45:52 Cannot read property toUpperCase of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:45:39 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:40:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:39:32 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:31:5 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:29:8 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 12/1/2024-20:27:59 this.sendSpopCommand is not a function
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:27:41 spawn ENOMEM
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:26:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:24:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:22:0 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:18:46 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:17:34 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:15:3 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:14:58 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:6:27 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:1:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:1:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-20:0:28 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:54:54 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:54:15 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:49:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:47:58 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:45:41 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:43:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:39:1 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:38:1 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:38:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
MF 12/1/2024-19:31:47 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:23:23 dspOption is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:20:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:16:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:16:31 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:13:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:7:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-19:5:27 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:58:43 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:55:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:49:46 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:49:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:49:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:48:2 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
RIVO 12/1/2024-18:40:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:33:50 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:32:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:31:55 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:28:23 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:19:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:11:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:4:27 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-18:2:31 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:59:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:57:2 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:55:8 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:43:9 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:42:59 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:42:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:41:41 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
MINIDSPSHD 12/1/2024-17:36:44 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:34:37 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:29:59 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:28:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:28:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:27:54 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:26:12 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:24:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:18:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:15:52 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:13:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:13:5 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:12:15 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:2:15 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:0:55 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-17:0:17 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:59:37 Non okay return status: Title:
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:52:46 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:51:25 Non okay return status: Title:
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:51:9 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:49:43 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:46:2 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:45:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:44:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:42:21 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:39:9 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:32:17 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:29:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:28:48 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:26:17 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:23:45 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:20:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:13:4 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:7:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:6:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:2:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-16:0:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:52:59 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:52:9 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:50:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:47:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:46:49 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:43:48 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:36:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:32:4 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:28:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:28:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:25:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:24:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:24:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:20:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:20:9 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:16:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:13:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:13:2 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:11:27 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/Public
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:5:39 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:5:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:4:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:4:25 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:3:50 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-15:1:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:59:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:59:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:57:43 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:57:12 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:56:35 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:55:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:55:3 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:54:58 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:52:4 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Moscow
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:51:35 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:51:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:50:17 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:50:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:48:25 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:48:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:47:22 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
RIVO 12/1/2024-14:45:45 ENOTCONN: socket is not connected, lstat /mnt/USB/Raffa_A
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:42:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:40:27 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:40:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:38:23 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:35:28 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:32:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
PROJECTSBUS2 12/1/2024-14:27:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:24:56 Cannot read property response of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:19:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:16:28 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Amsterdam
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:15:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:15:26 Cannot read property response of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:14:3 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:13:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:12:4 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:11:34 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:9:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:8:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:8:7 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:2:20 Cannot read property response of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:1:31 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:0:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-14:0:6 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:57:37 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:52:14 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:50:50 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:45:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:41:47 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:40:20 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:38:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:35:51 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:35:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:24:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:22:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:21:22 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:18:27 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:17:5 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-13:13:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:10:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:5:0 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:2:57 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:1:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-13:0:13 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:57:48 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:48:15 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:47:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:45:46 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
RIVO 12/1/2024-12:45:39 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:40:57 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:39:58 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:37:26 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/reboot
Failed to start reboot.target: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.systemd1: timed out
Failed to open initctl FIFO: No such device or address
Failed to talk to init daemon.
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:37:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:37:4 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:35:56 EEXIST: file already exists, mkdir /mnt/NAS/NEW
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:35:29 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:35:25 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:35:3 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:34:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:33:32 file /mnt/NAS/Synology/Albums/Blackfield Album Discography [2004-2013] [FLAC]/2013 - Blackfield IV [FLAC]/CUE.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:30:58 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:30:7 Not running
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:27:53 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:26:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:26:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:26:18 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading plugin_type)
OPERA 12/1/2024-12:25:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:24:59 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:24:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:24:32 Cannot read property PLUGIN_NAME of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:24:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:23:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:22:56 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:19:49 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-12:19:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 12/1/2024-12:15:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:14:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:13:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:13:38 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:10:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:7:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-12:4:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-12:2:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:59:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:58:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
PROJECTSBUS2 12/1/2024-11:57:37 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:56:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:55:49 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:53:53 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-11:53:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:50:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-11:48:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:47:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 12/1/2024-11:43:34 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:39:49 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:38:36 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:35:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:31:11 connect ECONNREFUSED
RIVO 12/1/2024-11:30:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:28:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:27:31 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:23:26 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:22:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:21:50 Unexpected end of multipart data
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:21:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:19:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-11:14:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:14:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:11:25 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:10:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:10:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:9:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:9:0 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:8:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:7:22 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:6:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:4:13 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-11:3:11 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:59:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:59:0 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:58:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:54:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:51:7 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:48:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:47:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:42:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:41:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:38:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:31:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:26:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:21:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:18:12 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:17:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:6:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:6:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:5:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:4:45 The value undefined is not a number
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-10:4:11 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:59:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:59:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:58:24 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:58:6 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:57:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:56:44 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:55:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
RIVO 12/1/2024-9:55:30 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:52:37 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:49:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:48:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:48:22 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:47:10 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:45:46 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:45:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:44:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:41:53 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:40:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:40:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:40:4 Cannot set property name of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-9:39:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:38:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:36:34 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:35:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:35:52 Cannot read property stop of null
OPERA 12/1/2024-9:33:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:32:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:29:57 connect ECONNREFUSED
OPERA 12/1/2024-9:29:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:29:37 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:25:53 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:18:52 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:17:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:10:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-9:9:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 12/1/2024-9:4:51 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:3:25 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:53 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:39 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:38 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:35 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:20 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:11 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:8 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:1:1 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:0:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:0:50 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:0:26 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-9:0:3 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:59:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 12/1/2024-8:59:27 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:59:23 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:59:12 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:59:2 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Prague
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:58:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:58:47 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:56:47 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:48:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:47:42 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:47:26 station is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:47:22 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:46:19 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:45:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:43:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:42:20 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:40:2 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:35:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:32:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:30:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:28:52 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
RIVO 12/1/2024-8:27:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:25:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:24:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:22:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:21:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
RIVO 12/1/2024-8:20:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:15:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:13:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:12:34 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-8:10:3 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:58:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:57:32 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:56:26 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:56:4 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:53:17 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:53:3 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:52:24 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:49:28 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:48:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-7:47:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:46:24 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:44:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:44:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:43:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:41:41 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:32:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:29:4 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:27:25 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:25:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-7:24:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:22:29 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:19:43 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:18:21 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:18:21 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:16:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:12:41 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:9:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:9:14 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:6:14 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:3:58 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:1:50 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-7:0:33 connect ECONNREFUSED
OPERA 12/1/2024-6:59:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-6:55:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:53:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:49:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:37:59 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:31:21 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:29:56 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:29:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:29:11 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:25:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:16:50 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:14:9 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:13:50 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:13:47 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:13:27 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:13:13 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:13:0 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:12:46 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:12:9 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:11:58 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:11:56 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:11:42 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:11:25 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:11:11 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:11:0 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:10:48 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:10:35 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:10:16 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:9:59 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:9:44 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:9:29 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:9:5 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:8:47 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:8:28 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:7:55 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:7:33 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:7:15 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:6:58 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:6:27 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:6:0 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:5:36 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:5:24 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:5:18 EACCES: permission denied, rmdir /mnt/NAS/music
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:5:11 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:4:30 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:4:15 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:4:5 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:3:18 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:2:55 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:2:33 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:2:22 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:2:0 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:1:45 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:1:28 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:1:17 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:1:3 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:0:53 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:0:40 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:0:29 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:0:14 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-6:0:4 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:59:47 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:59:34 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:59:19 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:59:7 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:53:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:51:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:40:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-5:34:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-5:28:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:27:12 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:18:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:6:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:4:20 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-5:0:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:58:12 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:57:59 Cannot read property toString of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:54:46 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:53:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:52:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:37:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:36:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:35:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:34:9 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:31:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:30:14 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:18:41 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:18:31 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 12/1/2024-4:13:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:9:58 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:7:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:6:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:3:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-4:0:21 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:44:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:37:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:32:58 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:27:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:15:24 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:14:43 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:10:42 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-3:2:50 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:56:4 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:55:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:51:6 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:30:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:23:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:19:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:18:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:17:18 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:16:16 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:12:31 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Seoul
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:7:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:4:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-2:4:32 Cannot read property off of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-1:43:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 12/1/2024-1:33:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-1:30:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-1:26:53 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-1:26:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-1:26:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-1:14:57 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-1:6:55 certificate is not yet valid
OPERA 12/1/2024-0:47:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:37:27 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:35:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:30:59 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 12/1/2024-0:30:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:26:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:21:58 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
PRIMO2REV2 12/1/2024-0:21:33 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:17:29 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:12:50 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 12/1/2024-0:2:51 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-23:40:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-23:25:8 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-23:22:15 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
RIVOPLUS 11/30/2024-23:7:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-23:1:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:56:32 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:48:43 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:40:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:36:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:25:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:22:13 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:19:50 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Rome
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:18:37 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:16:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:13:39 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:12:17 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:11:54 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:11:16 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:2:8 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-22:1:54 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:57:13 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:49:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:38:23 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Helsinki
Failed to set time zone: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.timedate1: timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:29:9 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:26:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:25:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:25:26 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:17:21 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:15:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:10:51 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:10:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-21:9:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:55:57 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:55:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:55:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:52:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:49:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:49:1 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:40:38 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:39:48 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:35:42 read ECONNRESET
RIVO 11/30/2024-20:30:28 read EHOSTUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:29:27 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:24:30 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:24:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:6:24 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:1:19 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:1:16 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-20:0:57 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:50:19 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-19:50:19 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:39:42 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:37:32 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:34:9 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:29:26 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:26:52 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:24:4 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:23:32 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:22:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:15:39 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:14:4 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:13:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-19:6:30 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:53:30 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:51:40 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:49:51 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:49:39 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:47:18 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:46:4 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:44:56 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:43:9 getaddrinfo -3008
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:41:27 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:38:27 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:38:12 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:37:50 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:37:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:35:4 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:31:47 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:29:51 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:17:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:14:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:13:7 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/30/2024-18:12:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:12:17 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:10:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:3:29 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-18:2:57 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:57:38 file /mnt/USB/Musica/__HIGH RESOULTION/Ott2018/Kraftwerk - 3-D Der Katalog (8 CD Box Set) [2017] flac/CD 8 Kraftwerk - Tour De France [2003]/Kraftwerk - Tour De France.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:55:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:50:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:46:35 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:45:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:45:1 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:44:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:43:25 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:43:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:38:13 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:37:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:33:54 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:33:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:32:35 Cannot read property toUpperCase of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:32:23 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:25:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:22:29 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:22:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:22:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:19:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:16:43 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:13:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:11:30 Cannot read property split of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-17:11:2 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:4:50 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:4:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:4:27 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-17:1:9 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:58:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:58:18 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:56:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:55:52 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:55:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:54:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:52:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:49:26 Cannot read property pushMultiroomDevices of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:49:12 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:48:48 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:47:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:42:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:42:28 Cannot read property pushMultiroomDevices of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:41:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:39:8 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:37:5 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:33:44 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:32:46 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:31:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:31:38 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:31:1 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:30:24 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:28:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:26:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:23:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:21:57 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:21:25 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:19:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:19:0 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:18:29 Cannot read property split of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-16:15:11 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:14:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-16:14:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:14:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:13:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:11:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:9:55 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:7:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:7:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:6:49 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:4:37 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:3:59 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:3:22 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-16:2:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:58:31 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:57:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:47:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:46:44 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:44:49 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:41:32 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:40:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/30/2024-15:39:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:39:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:38:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:38:34 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:37:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:36:50 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:35:50 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:34:44 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:34:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:33:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:31:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:29:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:28:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:27:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:26:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:25:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:22:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:20:26 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:20:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:20:13 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:18:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:12:44 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:11:56 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:11:50 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:7:6 file /mnt/USB/3E30-002C/1970 - Let It Be/1970 - Let It Be.cuetools.flac.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:6:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:5:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-15:4:34 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:58:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:55:16 Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = /user_data/0X5yOZECrRhzJQ6vEt5GazYi2ls2/myPlaylists/Bruch
OPERA 11/30/2024-14:55:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-14:53:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:52:41 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
OPERA 11/30/2024-14:51:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:50:29 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:50:25 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
OPERA 11/30/2024-14:49:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:48:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:45:16 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:44:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:42:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:40:50 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:39:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:37:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:35:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:33:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/30/2024-14:33:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:33:16 Cannot read property seek of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:29:33 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:28:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:27:31 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:25:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
RIVO 11/30/2024-14:25:17 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:21:25 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:17:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:17:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/30/2024-14:17:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:16:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:16:1 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:15:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:12:45 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:11:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:11:13 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:8:6 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:7:18 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:4:19 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:0:29 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-14:0:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:59:50 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:58:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:54:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:54:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:50:59 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:49:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:47:55 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:46:45 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Moscow
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:41:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:41:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:38:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:34:48 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:33:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-13:31:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:30:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:30:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:28:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:26:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:25:41 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:23:51 dns service error: unknown
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-13:23:47 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:23:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:22:27 Cannot read property on of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:21:19 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:21:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:20:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:19:15 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:16:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:12:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-13:10:41 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:7:58 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
RIVO 11/30/2024-13:7:10 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:6:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:6:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:5:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-13:4:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/30/2024-13:2:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:56:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:53:12 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
OPERA 11/30/2024-12:51:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:47:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:45:9 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:43:58 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:40:17 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 11/30/2024-12:39:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:38:17 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
OPERA 11/30/2024-12:36:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:35:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:29:58 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:29:43 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:27:41 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:25:46 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:22:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:15:19 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:12:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:7:32 Cannot read property write of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:6:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-12:5:25 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:59:20 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:54:58 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:53:50 Cannot read property unwatchAll of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:52:40 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:52:15 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/Public
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:49:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-11:45:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:44:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:39:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:36:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:34:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:28:30 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:28:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:27:53 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:26:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:26:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:25:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:23:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:23:29 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/albumart/web/Bryan%20Adams/Room%20Service/4e4b33a8-c7ba-4c69-82da-ec41820d27d0.png
OPERA 11/30/2024-11:19:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-11:19:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-11:14:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-11:7:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:5:55 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-11:4:0 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:59:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:56:24 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:54:32 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:52:21 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:51:53 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:50:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:42:57 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
OPERA 11/30/2024-10:36:59 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:34:29 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:32:22 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:31:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/30/2024-10:30:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:29:58 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:28:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:26:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:24:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:21:56 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 11/30/2024-10:17:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-10:16:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-10:16:17 Cannot read property removeAllListeners of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:13:43 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:8:2 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:6:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:5:3 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-10:1:6 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:58:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:57:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:55:31 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/Public
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-9:49:45 Cannot read property removeAllListeners of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:44:55 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:42:30 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:39:9 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-9:38:8 Cannot read property removeAllListeners of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:36:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:35:6 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:34:10 Cannot read property tune_radio of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:34:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:30:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/30/2024-9:28:36 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:20:39 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:18:27 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:17:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:8:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:1:29 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:0:52 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 11/30/2024-9:0:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-9:0:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:56:43 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:51:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:50:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:43:52 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:41:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:39:17 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:32:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:31:18 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:28:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:26:36 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 11/30/2024-8:23:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:11:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:8:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-8:7:40 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:53:19 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:51:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:40:39 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:38:0 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:37:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-7:35:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:28:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:26:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:25:52 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:23:2 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:19:53 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:19:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-7:0:21 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:59:57 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:56:36 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:49:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:46:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:33:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:4:50 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-6:1:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:56:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:39:34 ENODEV: no such device, write
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:38:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:29:59 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:27:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:20:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:17:46 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:13:57 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:12:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:10:33 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-5:10:10 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
OPERA 11/30/2024-5:7:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-4:44:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:42:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:19:42 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:17:45 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:9:34 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:5:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:4:40 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-4:0:13 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:49:54 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
OPERA 11/30/2024-3:49:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:45:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:40:14 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:33:22 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:28:51 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:22:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-3:21:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:20:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:17:0 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:10:57 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:7:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-3:7:26 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-2:59:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-2:56:11 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-2:55:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-2:55:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-2:55:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/30/2024-2:33:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/30/2024-2:11:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-2:4:15 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:57:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:52:20 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:37:32 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:36:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:36:5 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:31:49 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:27:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:18:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-1:18:46 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:56:59 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:53:52 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:52:3 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:40:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:40:12 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:37:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:37:19 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:36:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:36:1 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:28:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:28:29 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:26:36 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:23:39 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:16:53 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:15:36 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:14:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
MINIDSPSHD 11/30/2024-0:12:29 this.sendSpopCommand is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:12:11 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:10:7 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:6:6 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:5:54 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:5:21 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:4:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:3:50 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:3:15 Cannot read property send of null
VOLUMIO 11/30/2024-0:1:19 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:58:31 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:53:39 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:47:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:46:30 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:37:44 err is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:27:11 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:5:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-23:4:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:53:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:50:9 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:49:54 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:44:30 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:29:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:27:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:24:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:18:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:16:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:12:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:6:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-22:5:4 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:52:11 Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = /user_data/KxmOxJrr6WddhEWHzrjoG5eZOHl2/myPlaylists/blues
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:48:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:44:8 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:42:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:37:25 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:36:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:28:3 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:20:2 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:17:29 Cannot read property pushState of null
MF 11/29/2024-21:10:58 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:10:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-21:1:28 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:53:55 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:49:30 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:43:18 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:42:39 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:31:13 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:29:1 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:23:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:22:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:22:8 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:18:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:17:57 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:17:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:15:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:15:26 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:15:25 file /mnt/USB/Elements/Музыка/Музыка FLAC/Bad Company/Bad Company , Rough Diamonds - Fame and Fortune.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:12:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-20:0:19 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:37:33 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:32:51 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:31:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:28:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:27:42 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:27:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:27:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:12:27 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:11:44 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:9:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:7:5 spawn ENOMEM
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:5:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:4:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-19:3:51 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:59:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:57:38 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:55:2 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:47:44 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:46:16 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:43:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:39:50 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:36:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:35:51 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:35:20 getaddrinfo -3007
AXIOMAIRV1 11/29/2024-18:24:53 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:21:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:16:3 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:14:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:14:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:12:36 ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir /mnt/NAS/music
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:11:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:9:31 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:9:15 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:6:43 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:6:27 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:5:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:4:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-18:0:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:58:56 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:50:45 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:49:38 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:48:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:48:32 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:48:9 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:48:1 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:47:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:47:12 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:45:28 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:44:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:38:58 Cannot read property value of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:35:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:35:19 Cannot read property service of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/29/2024-17:31:53 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:26:5 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:25:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:25:6 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:25:0 Cannot read property value of undefined
OPERA 11/29/2024-17:23:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:22:58 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:20:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/29/2024-17:20:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:20:37 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:20:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:19:55 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:19:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:19:21 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:19:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:18:56 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:18:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:18:15 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:17:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:15:58 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:15:2 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:14:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:13:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:13:38 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:13:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:13:20 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:10:30 Cannot read property value of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:9:4 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:8:22 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:6:35 Cannot read property value of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:5:19 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:3:6 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:1:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:1:26 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-17:1:8 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:58:31 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:57:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:57:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:56:44 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:52:21 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:49:19 Not running
RIVO 11/29/2024-16:44:51 Cannot read property response_status of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:40:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:39:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:37:41 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:35:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:32:35 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:29:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:27:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:25:43 station is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:25:39 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:23:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:19:7 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:17:56 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:14:45 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:13:56 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:10:22 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:5:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:5:44 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:4:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-16:1:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:58:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:55:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:55:49 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:53:57 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:52:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:52:46 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:52:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:49:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:49:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:48:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:47:46 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:47:15 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:35:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:31:36 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:28:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:26:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:24:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:17:26 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:16:43 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:16:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:16:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:13:35 Type object is not supported
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:11:29 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:11:2 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:10:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:10:23 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Warsaw
Failed to set time zone: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.timedate1: timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:8:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:5:46 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:4:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:3:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:3:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-15:1:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:59:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:59:34 Type object is not supported
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:50:21 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:50:3 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:49:49 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:46:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:40:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:39:47 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:38:33 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:34:22 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:33:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:30:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:29:52 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:24:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:21:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:15:53 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:14:38 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:13:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:12:47 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:12:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:10:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:8:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:7:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:6:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:5:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:2:51 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:1:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-14:1:12 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:58:46 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:56:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:54:17 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:53:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:52:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:52:5 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:51:53 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:51:40 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:49:47 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:44:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:44:23 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:43:51 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:43:43 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:41:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:41:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:41:26 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:41:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:41:3 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:40:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:40:46 Cannot read property off of undefined
OPERA 11/29/2024-13:40:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:24:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:21:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:21:29 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:18:49 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:18:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:15:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-13:12:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:11:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:11:16 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:9:23 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:5:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-13:3:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:59:55 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:59:19 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:57:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:55:43 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:53:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:44:40 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:42:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:37:17 Cannot read property pushQueue of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:37:0 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:33:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:33:55 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:31:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:31:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:30:26 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:29:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:28:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:27:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:26:44 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:26:27 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:25:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:25:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:21:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:16:52 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:12:31 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:12:17 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:9:50 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:9:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/29/2024-12:9:10 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:6:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:3:17 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-12:3:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:57:56 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:56:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:51:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:49:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:48:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:47:33 Cannot read property then of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/29/2024-11:45:20 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:45:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:41:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:41:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:40:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:39:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:38:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:35:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:30:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:26:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:26:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:25:28 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:23:59 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:22:12 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:21:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:18:54 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:14:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:11:49 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:10:29 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-11:9:1 Unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:59:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:58:36 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:57:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:56:55 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:55:12 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:53:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:51:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-10:49:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:48:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:48:34 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:48:9 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net lastfm.freetls.fastly.net:443
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:47:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:39:44 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:36:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:30:58 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/29/2024-10:30:27 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:25:50 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:25:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:23:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:22:55 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:18:7 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:17:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:9:45 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-10:6:48 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 11/29/2024-10:3:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:58:32 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:56:37 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:54:51 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:54:26 connect ECONNREFUSED
RIVO 11/29/2024-9:51:42 Cannot read property results of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:50:31 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:39:53 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:37:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:34:33 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:34:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:29:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:29:9 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:27:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:24:23 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:22:42 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:15:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-9:13:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:12:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:12:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:7:37 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:5:8 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-9:4:54 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:58:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:41:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:39:19 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:35:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:30:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:26:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:23:36 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:22:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-8:4:17 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:59:10 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:59:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-7:55:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:54:49 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:47:41 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:46:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:45:49 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:45:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:37:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/29/2024-7:35:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:35:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:34:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/29/2024-7:32:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-7:29:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:25:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:21:32 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:21:18 Cannot read property close of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:17:27 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:12:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-7:9:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/29/2024-7:3:11 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:46:16 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:40:16 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:27:48 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:27:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:25:15 spawn ENOMEM
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:25:8 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-6:16:53 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
MF 11/29/2024-5:59:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:58:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:48:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-5:46:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-5:37:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:37:20 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:25:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:22:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:20:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:18:9 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:16:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:16:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:16:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-5:15:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-5:10:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-4:58:50 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-4:57:51 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-4:24:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-4:21:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-4:18:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-4:16:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-4:1:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:54:49 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:53:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:49:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:49:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:49:31 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:48:44 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:48:33 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:46:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:43:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:41:53 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:38:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:34:46 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Hong_Kong
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:29:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:27:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:24:26 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:17:24 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-3:13:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/29/2024-3:3:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:57:38 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:53:55 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:46:15 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:38:50 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:37:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:31:13 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-2:10:57 connect ECONNREFUSED
OPERA 11/29/2024-2:2:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:57:36 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:48:43 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:42:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/29/2024-1:41:12 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:37:45 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:37:31 read EHOSTUNREACH
SMSL 11/29/2024-1:33:32 The value NaN is not a number
OPERA 11/29/2024-1:30:28 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:23:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-1:0:33 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:57:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:55:1 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:52:10 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:33:1 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:31:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:26:28 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:20:12 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:19:25 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:12:28 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/29/2024-0:11:42 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:58:4 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone null
Failed to set time zone: Invalid time zone null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:50:40 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:47:44 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:37:0 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:25:13 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:17:48 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:14:28 Cannot read property @ of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:13:46 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone null
Failed to set time zone: Invalid time zone null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:12:1 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:10:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:8:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:4:45 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-23:2:38 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:57:34 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:57:10 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
MF 11/28/2024-22:49:25 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:47:35 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/music
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:41:3 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:39:51 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:35:39 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:29:28 Cannot read property uri of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:28:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:26:41 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:17:49 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:12:10 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:11:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:8:9 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:6:28 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-22:5:37 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:58:53 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:58:31 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:57:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:54:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:53:25 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:52:58 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:44:8 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:42:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:39:29 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:38:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:18:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:17:48 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-21:6:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:57:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
PRIMO2REV2 11/28/2024-20:51:24 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:44:55 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:43:15 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:40:46 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:34:43 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:27:6 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:25:12 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:21:23 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:14:8 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:2:22 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-20:2:14 Maximum call stack size exceeded
RIVO 11/28/2024-19:59:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:59:12 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:57:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:56:46 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:52:50 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Warsaw
Failed to set time zone: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.timedate1: timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:52:43 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:52:33 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:51:18 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:51:7 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:49:59 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Warsaw
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
AXIOMAIR 11/28/2024-19:42:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
MF 11/28/2024-19:41:34 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:39:11 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:28:53 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:27:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/28/2024-19:24:42 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:22:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:21:52 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:19:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:16:2 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:15:38 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:14:57 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:14:33 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:13:24 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-19:8:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:58:8 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:55:49 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:45:4 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:42:57 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:40:1 connect ENOENT /tmp/.X11-unix/X
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:34:19 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:33:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:31:36 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:31:2 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:28:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:26:59 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:24:57 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:20:18 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:19:46 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:18:46 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:17:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:15:29 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:14:57 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:12:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:9:6 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:8:46 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:7:27 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:0:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-18:0:32 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:59:57 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
MF 11/28/2024-17:55:16 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:53:37 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:50:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:47:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:36:33 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:35:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:30:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:25:37 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:24:36 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
MINIDSPSHD 11/28/2024-17:23:57 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:16:43 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:14:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:12:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:11:17 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
OPERA 11/28/2024-17:8:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:5:35 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:3:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-17:0:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:53:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:42:52 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:36:50 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:35:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:32:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:27:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:27:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:24:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:21:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:15:26 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:14:49 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:14:13 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:8:10 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:7:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-16:7:6 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:49:53 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:47:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:46:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:45:33 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:38:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:32:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:27:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:26:11 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:25:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MINIDSPSHD 11/28/2024-15:13:34 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:8:45 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:6:25 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:5:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:5:36 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:4:8 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-15:3:35 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:57:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:54:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/28/2024-14:47:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/28/2024-14:47:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:44:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:39:48 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:38:45 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:32:38 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:28:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:23:49 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:20:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:19:54 Cannot read property service of undefined
RIVO 11/28/2024-14:8:28 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:8:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/28/2024-14:8:5 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:3:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:1:33 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-14:1:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:55:41 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:54:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:52:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:48:38 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:47:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:44:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:44:5 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:44:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:40:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-13:38:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:38:28 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:38:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:35:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:35:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:34:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:33:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:28:22 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:24:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:22:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:21:2 Cannot read property close of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:18:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:15:20 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:15:1 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:8:45 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:8:25 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-13:4:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:54:37 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:50:55 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Rome
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:49:24 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:46:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:42:51 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:41:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:39:53 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:39:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:37:30 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:35:59 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:23:25 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:23:21 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:21:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:19:2 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:14:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
SMSL 11/28/2024-12:8:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-12:3:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:54:58 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:47:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:45:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:40:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:29:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:20:10 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:17:47 Command failed: /bin/rm -f /data/wizard
/bin/rm: cannot remove /data/wizard: Read-only file system
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:17:41 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:14:32 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:7:5 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.timedate1: timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:2:34 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-11:2:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:55:31 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:49:18 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:48:47 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:48:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:39:5 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/28/2024-10:29:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:27:29 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:25:10 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:17:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/28/2024-10:16:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:13:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:11:21 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:9:12 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-10:1:32 Cannot read property name of null
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:38:6 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:36:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:31:29 f.split(...)[0].capitalize is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:31:19 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:27:9 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:23:31 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
SMSL 11/28/2024-9:22:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:10:16 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:8:50 Cannot read property tune_radio of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:8:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:5:16 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:3:26 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/28/2024-9:3:12 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-9:0:1 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:59:18 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:58:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:56:3 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:55:0 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:54:57 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:54:40 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:53:14 Cannot read property split of undefined
OPERA 11/28/2024-8:53:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:46:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:32:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:31:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:28:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:26:54 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Africa/Abidjan
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:7:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:6:11 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-8:4:0 Cannot create property type on string invalid
OPERA 11/28/2024-7:59:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:55:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:55:14 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:52:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:50:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:44:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:38:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:35:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:33:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:24:49 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:13:55 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-7:8:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:48:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:47:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:42:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:39:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:35:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:33:42 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:33:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:26:53 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:19:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:16:52 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 11/28/2024-6:13:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-6:1:17 Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = /user_data/0X5yOZECrRhzJQ6vEt5GazYi2ls2/myPlaylists/Bruch
UNDEFINED 11/28/2024-5:56:52 f.split(...)[0].capitalize is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:53:37 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:51:53 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:50:41 connect ECONNREFUSED
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:48:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:46:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:44:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:36:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:28:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:28:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:23:42 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:20:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:15:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:11:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:11:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:9:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-5:8:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-5:4:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:59:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/28/2024-4:54:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-4:49:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:48:54 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:40:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/28/2024-4:34:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:29:54 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:21:35 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:12:58 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
UNDEFINED 11/28/2024-4:4:40 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-4:0:4 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Manila
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:48:10 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:41:53 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:39:50 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:36:16 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:33:54 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:32:49 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:31:59 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:18:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:11:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:10:27 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
OPERA 11/28/2024-3:10:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:3:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:2:38 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-3:2:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:56:18 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:51:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:49:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:42:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:40:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:37:8 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:28:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:16:5 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:14:15 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/28/2024-2:11:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:9:35 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-2:2:38 Cannot read property stop of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:48:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:47:4 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:43:12 Cannot read property service of undefined
SMSL 11/28/2024-1:38:55 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:38:22 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:31:54 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:28:42 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:27:0 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:25:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:18:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
SMSL 11/28/2024-1:18:45 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:18:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:14:26 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:11:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:11:14 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:8:38 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:8:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:8:7 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:5:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:1:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-1:1:7 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-0:54:15 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-0:45:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-0:43:54 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-0:43:46 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-0:19:8 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/28/2024-0:6:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:48:40 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:46:16 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/pve
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:41:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:31:15 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:28:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:13:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:10:33 getaddrinfo EBUSY ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-23:3:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-22:55:2 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-22:34:23 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
AXIOMAIR 11/27/2024-22:33:55 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-22:19:16 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-22:2:7 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-21:58:58 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-21:46:26 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-21:44:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MF 11/27/2024-21:19:15 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-21:15:34 Cannot read property name of undefined
RIVO 11/27/2024-20:56:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:41:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:40:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:33:21 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:30:23 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:27:15 Cannot read property toString of undefined
MF 11/27/2024-20:19:8 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:13:23 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
PRIMO2REV2 11/27/2024-20:12:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:11:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:6:27 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-20:5:32 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
MINIDSPSHD 11/27/2024-20:0:2 write EPIPE
PROJECTSBUS2 11/27/2024-19:58:49 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:55:28 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:53:46 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:53:38 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:47:26 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:42:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:40:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/27/2024-19:38:48 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:38:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:38:3 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:34:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:34:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:32:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:30:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:30:6 Cannot read property service of undefined
PRIMO2REV2 11/27/2024-19:27:1 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:26:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-19:22:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:56:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:56:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:56:7 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:53:36 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:49:36 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:45:14 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:38:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:34:37 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:24:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:22:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:20:44 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:15:46 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:11:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:9:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:8:31 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:8:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:8:6 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:7:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:5:31 Cannot read property toUpperCase of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:4:52 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:3:16 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:2:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:1:49 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-18:1:41 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:40:5 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:37:16 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:33:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:33:42 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:31:46 Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = /user_data/LgcUHxyUy7Ndr2BlGPBundF0M7A3/myPlaylists/Light
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:30:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:25:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:23:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:20:56 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:18:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:17:50 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:15:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MF 11/27/2024-17:10:49 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:10:5 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-17:2:32 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:58:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:57:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:53:54 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:44:52 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:38:18 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:36:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:34:16 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:32:46 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:25:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:23:59 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:23:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:19:52 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:19:47 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:18:46 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:16:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:13:40 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:7:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:7:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:3:53 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-16:2:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:59:28 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:57:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:57:41 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:55:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:54:40 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:53:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:51:51 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:42:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:41:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:39:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:38:46 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:37:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/27/2024-15:37:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:37:18 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:36:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:30:54 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:25:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-15:23:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:14:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-15:12:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:10:56 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:8:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:6:47 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:5:44 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:3:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-15:2:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:1:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:1:0 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-15:0:53 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
OPERA 11/27/2024-14:58:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:55:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-14:55:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:55:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:45:37 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:44:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:40:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/27/2024-14:39:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-14:35:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:33:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:33:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-14:31:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:19:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:16:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:12:19 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:5:28 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:4:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-14:1:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:56:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:51:30 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:50:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:45:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:41:35 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:40:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:40:25 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:29:12 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:26:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:23:8 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:20:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:16:19 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:14:53 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:14:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:10:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:6:24 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-13:0:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:57:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:54:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:54:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:53:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:49:57 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:46:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:44:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:40:49 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:38:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:38:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:34:22 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:33:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:29:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:29:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:28:6 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:26:38 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:25:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:23:43 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:18:37 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:17:8 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:7:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:5:43 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:4:35 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:1:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:0:52 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-12:0:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:58:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:45:54 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:38:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:34:59 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:34:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:33:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:18:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:17:29 self is not defined
RIVO 11/27/2024-11:12:56 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:8:50 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-11:1:31 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:46:49 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:46:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:45:46 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:33:18 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:21:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:19:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:15:11 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:13:0 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:12:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:11:55 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
SMSL 11/27/2024-10:9:11 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-10:4:50 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:58:20 Cannot read property ping of undefined
SMSL 11/27/2024-9:47:55 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:47:14 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:44:45 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:43:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:39:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:31:18 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:28:25 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:24:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:12:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-9:11:5 Parse Error: Expected HTTP/
SMSL 11/27/2024-9:7:16 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:51:40 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:48:58 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:48:5 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:45:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:44:31 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:39:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:36:6 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:23:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:17:28 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:12:40 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:5:44 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-8:0:40 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:58:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:45:27 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:43:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:43:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:40:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/27/2024-7:39:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-7:37:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:35:22 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:31:15 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:19:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:16:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:13:44 Cannot read property service of undefined
SMSL 11/27/2024-7:7:46 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:7:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:6:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-7:5:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-6:56:2 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-6:34:5 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-6:31:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-6:28:11 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-6:20:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-6:2:43 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-5:43:9 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-5:41:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-5:21:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-5:8:45 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-5:4:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-5:0:0 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:59:42 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:57:58 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:55:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:51:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:50:11 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:46:1 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:42:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:38:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:34:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:34:2 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:29:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:26:36 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:26:13 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:23:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:21:12 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:20:7 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:18:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-4:13:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:56:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:54:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:53:46 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:51:49 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:45:36 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:43:5 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:42:50 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:39:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:38:29 keyPath is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:34:54 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:32:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:32:39 listen EACCES: permission denied
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:31:7 Cannot read property length of undefined
SMSL 11/27/2024-3:27:12 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:25:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:24:18 Cannot read property then of undefined
SMSL 11/27/2024-3:24:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/27/2024-3:17:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:17:14 Cannot read property off of undefined
SMSL 11/27/2024-3:14:24 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:14:9 listen EACCES: permission denied
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:13:54 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
SMSL 11/27/2024-3:13:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:12:53 express is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:12:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:8:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:8:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/27/2024-3:6:56 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:4:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:3:55 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:2:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:1:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:1:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-3:0:16 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:59:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:59:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:55:30 Cannot read property stop of null
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:53:1 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:40:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/27/2024-2:40:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:19:12 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:15:30 read EHOSTUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:9:27 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-2:8:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:57:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:42:0 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:39:58 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:37:22 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:33:35 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:28:58 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:25:49 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:21:4 Cannot read property service of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/27/2024-1:20:45 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:19:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:18:47 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:17:15 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:16:29 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
SMSL 11/27/2024-1:16:26 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-1:7:47 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:54:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:53:11 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:51:1 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:51:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:49:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:48:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:48:43 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:46:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:35:47 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:35:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
UNDEFINED 11/27/2024-0:24:44 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:22:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/27/2024-0:12:24 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:47:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:45:44 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
RIVO 11/26/2024-23:44:57 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:36:31 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:33:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:31:40 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:30:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:28:53 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:28:34 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:25:15 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-23:17:4 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:50:16 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:48:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:26:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:26:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:22:20 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:7:44 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-22:0:57 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:42:56 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:35:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:33:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:28:37 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:25:17 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:21:29 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:16:53 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:11:54 Cannot read property id of null
MINIDSPSHD 11/26/2024-21:9:23 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mv /home/volumio/.asoundrc /etc/asound.conf
Segmentation fault
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:6:40 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:5:3 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:3:23 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-21:1:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:56:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:36:1 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:31:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:28:21 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:22:1 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:19:39 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:18:43 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:17:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:15:30 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3000
MINIDSPSHD 11/26/2024-20:13:54 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:10:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:8:5 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:1:24 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-20:0:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:57:51 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:55:4 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:48:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:47:20 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:37:6 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:31:47 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:30:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:30:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:29:27 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:28:27 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:26:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:24:1 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:23:37 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:21:5 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:17:16 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:15:53 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:15:28 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:14:57 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:11:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:11:54 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:11:46 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:11:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:10:59 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:10:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:9:34 Cannot read property volumio_info of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:9:21 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:5:15 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:5:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:3:55 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:3:27 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:2:55 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-19:2:22 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:59:55 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:58:56 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:57:28 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:57:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:54:23 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:53:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:53:44 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:53:9 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:52:56 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:51:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:48:4 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:43:3 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:40:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:39:5 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:33:48 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:25:4 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
INTEGRO 11/26/2024-18:22:40 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:20:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:14:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:14:7 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:7:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-18:0:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:53:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:52:0 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:51:53 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:43:0 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:40:51 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:37:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:22:34 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:22:15 ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir /mnt/NAS/music
OPERA 11/26/2024-17:17:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:14:27 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:12:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-17:4:10 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:59:6 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:57:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:57:7 Cannot read property addDevice of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:55:49 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
MINIDSPSHD 11/26/2024-16:55:41 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:55:5 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:54:0 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:37:18 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:34:2 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:33:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:32:0 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:26:57 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:19:28 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:19:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:18:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:14:34 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:13:53 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:7:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:6:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:4:57 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:2:23 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-16:0:51 Cannot read property split of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-15:54:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:53:25 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:53:0 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:52:1 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:51:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-15:43:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:36:4 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:32:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:30:43 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:26:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:21:34 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:19:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:14:55 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:12:31 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-15:11:54 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:57:16 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:53:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:52:12 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:45:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:38:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:36:46 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:36:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:34:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-14:33:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:32:39 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:28:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:26:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:21:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:20:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:18:39 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:14:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-14:13:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:9:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:5:34 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:1:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:1:16 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-14:0:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-13:59:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-13:50:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:48:40 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:48:34 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:47:36 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:46:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-13:46:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-13:45:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-13:43:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:43:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:37:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-13:32:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:30:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:28:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:28:40 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:28:13 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:27:14 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:24:2 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:20:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:19:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:18:43 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:10:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:7:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/26/2024-13:7:4 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:6:52 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone America/Detroit
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-13:1:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:59:52 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:59:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:49:49 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:49:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:49:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:44:30 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:36:14 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:32:29 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:31:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:30:57 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:27:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:22:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-12:14:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:12:45 Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = /user_data/Y1tqxwgnPBO41HjZ1ERZzk9xxef1/myPlaylists/Schubert
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:11:10 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-12:9:34 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
OPERA 11/26/2024-11:54:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:47:25 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:41:28 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:39:58 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:36:34 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:30:27 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:29:54 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:26:23 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:25:9 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:21:10 Cannot read property results of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:18:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:14:0 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:12:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:7:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:3:15 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:2:2 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-11:1:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:59:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:59:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:57:16 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:57:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:56:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:54:51 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X2
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:52:21 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:46:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:43:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:40:58 Cannot read property volumio_info of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:40:27 Could not parse XML string
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:38:40 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:38:4 Could not parse XML string
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:36:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:32:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:31:41 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:27:14 Could not parse XML string
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:27:0 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:25:27 Could not parse XML string
OPERA 11/26/2024-10:19:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:18:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:17:16 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:15:0 Could not parse XML string
OPERA 11/26/2024-10:13:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-10:9:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:3:16 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-10:1:56 Could not parse XML string
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:59:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:52:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:51:54 read ECONNRESET
SMSL 11/26/2024-9:50:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:47:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:45:31 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/modprobe snd_aloop index=3 pcm_substreams=2
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert snd_aloop: No such device
OPERA 11/26/2024-9:44:47 certificate is not yet valid
PRIMO2REV2 11/26/2024-9:43:12 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:42:8 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
OPERA 11/26/2024-9:40:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:39:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:33:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:32:50 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:29:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:29:6 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-9:25:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:19:8 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:15:15 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:14:55 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:9:49 Could not parse XML string
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-9:9:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:58:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:52:1 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:49:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:48:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/26/2024-8:44:9 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:35:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:27:1 Could not parse XML string
MINIDSPSHD 11/26/2024-8:23:26 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:20:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:20:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:17:59 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-8:15:14 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:54:21 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:51:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:47:33 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:41:46 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:41:23 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3000
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:29:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/26/2024-7:25:17 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:20:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:16:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:16:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-7:10:38 dns service error: unknown
SMSL 11/26/2024-7:6:33 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:55:32 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:50:50 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:43:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-6:42:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:40:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:40:0 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:38:37 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:33:41 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:32:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/26/2024-6:31:12 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:30:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:25:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-6:22:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-6:20:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-5:53:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-5:47:24 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-5:13:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-5:10:47 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-5:3:36 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-5:0:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-4:54:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-4:54:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-4:48:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-4:46:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-4:41:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-4:33:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-4:20:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-4:19:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-4:16:22 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:54:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:54:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:49:17 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:47:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:46:55 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:43:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/26/2024-3:21:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:20:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:19:16 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Hong_Kong
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
OPERA 11/26/2024-3:13:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:11:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/26/2024-3:6:22 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-3:4:17 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
OPERA 11/26/2024-3:0:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:57:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:54:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:50:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:47:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-2:46:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:42:49 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:42:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:33:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:30:44 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:28:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:28:54 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:24:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:21:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:20:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:19:38 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:19:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:17:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:16:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/26/2024-2:15:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:13:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:9:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:7:27 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:6:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-2:1:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-1:56:37 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-1:45:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-1:43:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-1:31:42 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-1:28:52 Cannot read property name of undefined
SMSL 11/26/2024-1:6:28 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:42:10 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:39:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/26/2024-0:19:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:19:9 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:5:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:4:59 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:4:55 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:4:46 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:3:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:3:13 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:3:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:3:0 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:2:11 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/26/2024-0:0:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:48:29 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:45:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:40:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:39:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:38:44 station is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:34:38 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:33:23 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:31:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
RIVO 11/25/2024-23:19:31 write ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:15:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:10:30 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-23:7:26 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:55:14 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:53:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:49:24 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:48:25 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:44:2 Cannot read property name of undefined
RIVO 11/25/2024-22:42:10 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:35:2 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:31:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:30:17 EEXIST: file already exists, mkdir /mnt/NAS/musica
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:25:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:22:36 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Prague
Failed to set time zone: Connection timed out
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:18:51 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:15:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-22:8:56 UNKNOWN: unknown error, open /data/active_volumio_ui
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:58:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:46:28 Cannot read property name of null
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:43:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:40:16 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
RIVOPLUS 11/25/2024-21:38:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:36:44 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:35:57 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:27:28 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-21:20:55 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-20:59:4 getaddrinfo -3007
MINIDSPSHD 11/25/2024-20:54:58 Cannot read property clear of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-20:40:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
RIVO 11/25/2024-20:40:19 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-20:34:23 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-20:19:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-20:19:3 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-20:15:42 WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:55:4 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:51:46 Cannot read property logger of null
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:50:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:48:8 Cannot read property name of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/25/2024-19:47:50 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:46:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:37:45 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:35:6 ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir /mnt/NAS/music
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:30:44 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:29:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
RIVO 11/25/2024-19:26:11 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:25:58 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:24:12 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:23:41 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:10:29 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:7:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:7:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:5:56 dns service error: unknown
MINIDSPSHD 11/25/2024-19:5:15 Cannot provide index to array
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-19:4:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:59:54 file /mnt/USB/Liquid_HIFI/The Blues Brothers OST [FLAC-1980]/The Blues Brothers OST.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:56:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:55:38 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:45:16 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:42:23 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 11/25/2024-18:41:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:24:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:8:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:5:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:3:38 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:1:30 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-18:0:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:58:16 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:56:46 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:53:43 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:52:26 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:46:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:43:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:43:17 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:40:0 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:37:6 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:36:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:27:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:22:11 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-17:5:51 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:58:37 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:40:12 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:34:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:30:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:27:53 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:25:51 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:25:13 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:15:40 Cannot read property close of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:13:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-16:12:4 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
RIVO 11/25/2024-16:8:13 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:57:59 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:51:14 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:47:48 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:43:56 Type object is not supported
MINIDSPSHD 11/25/2024-15:41:23 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:26:39 Non okay return status: Title:
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:6:55 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:4:35 Non okay return status: Title:
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-15:1:56 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:55:14 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:54:41 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:53:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:51:9 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:43:55 Non okay return status: Title:
OPERA 11/25/2024-14:43:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:40:28 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:40:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:36:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:35:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:29:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:28:11 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:26:39 Non okay return status: Title:
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:25:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:24:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:22:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:21:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:19:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:17:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:13:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:12:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:9:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-14:2:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:59:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:53:51 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:50:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:49:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:46:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:45:30 Cannot read property stop of null
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:45:24 Cannot read property get of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:41:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:37:43 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:37:30 file /mnt/USB/M250/Chopin_concertos/Krystian Zimerman (piano), Carlo Maria Giulini - L.A Philharmonic Orchestra - Chopin - Piano Concerto No.1 & 2.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:33:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:30:50 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:26:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:23:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:20:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:18:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:10:55 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:6:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-13:1:40 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:59:3 Cannot read property then of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/25/2024-12:56:50 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:54:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:52:32 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:50:5 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:40:59 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:38:18 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:36:48 f.split(...)[0].capitalize is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:35:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:32:5 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:31:37 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:24:6 Cannot read property pushState of null
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:22:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:13:42 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:12:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:12:5 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:4:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-12:1:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:55:44 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:49:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:45:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:44:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/25/2024-11:32:45 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:32:36 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:28:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:25:23 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:23:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:18:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:12:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:9:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:8:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:7:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:6:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
SMSL 11/25/2024-11:6:10 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:4:53 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-11:1:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:58:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:53:12 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:38:41 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:38:22 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:38:16 getaddrinfo EBUSY ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:37:39 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:25:8 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:24:22 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:22:50 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:22:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:22:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:22:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/25/2024-10:21:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:19:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:18:53 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:15:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-10:14:41 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:57:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:52:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:51:25 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:39:51 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:35:59 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:10:42 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
SMSL 11/25/2024-9:6:6 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-9:3:53 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:56:18 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:55:59 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:54:44 write EPIPE
UNDEFINED 11/25/2024-8:54:29 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:54:8 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:30:44 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:18:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:18:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:17:25 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:15:19 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:12:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-8:9:54 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:52:19 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:40:0 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:37:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/25/2024-7:36:36 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:35:38 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:30:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:29:54 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:27:21 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:25:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:13:9 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:12:48 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-7:6:0 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
OPERA 11/25/2024-7:4:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:58:5 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:35:53 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:28:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:21:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:21:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:17:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:13:43 Cannot read property duration of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:13:34 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:12:21 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-6:9:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-5:48:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
RIVO 11/25/2024-5:46:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-5:34:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-5:26:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-5:23:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-5:15:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-5:14:2 dns service error: unknown
PROJECTSBUS2 11/25/2024-5:4:28 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:45:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:35:15 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:32:52 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:31:50 ENODEV: no such device, write
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:25:26 Cannot read property then of undefined
OPERA 11/25/2024-4:24:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:22:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
AXIOMAIR 11/25/2024-4:7:54 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:7:29 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-4:1:51 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:59:0 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:57:32 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:55:40 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:47:1 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:41:53 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:38:27 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:38:13 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:37:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:30:15 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:23:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:22:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:18:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:12:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:6:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:3:32 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-3:2:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:52:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:48:35 Extra content at the end of the document (Line: 9, Column: 1)
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:28:57 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:27:41 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:5:14 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:0:46 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:0:26 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:0:26 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:0:23 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-2:0:19 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:56:41 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:53:1 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:38:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:21:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:20:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:19:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:12:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:11:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:10:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:8:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:4:42 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:4:16 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:3:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:3:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-1:2:27 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:45:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:36:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:32:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:23:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:21:23 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:20:52 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:8:44 Cannot read property then of undefined
AXIOMAIR 11/25/2024-0:8:10 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:4:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/25/2024-0:0:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:48:41 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:35:54 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:21:9 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:20:58 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:13:26 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:8:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:8:5 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:8:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:6:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:2:40 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-23:1:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:58:50 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:58:35 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:54:15 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:52:24 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:50:35 Cannot read property clearAddPlayTrack of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:46:11 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:36:3 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:25:59 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:24:27 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:23:23 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:20:1 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:19:8 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:18:48 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-22:16:9 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:57:50 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:47:35 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:44:59 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:22:49 dns service error: unknown
RIVO 11/24/2024-21:21:6 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:20:19 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Ljubljana
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:16:30 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:13:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-21:10:15 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:44:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:40:31 Cannot read property toString of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:27:41 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:25:37 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:25:26 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:22:49 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:22:30 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:19:44 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:17:58 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-20:13:27 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:56:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:52:47 Cannot set property name of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-19:52:39 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:51:19 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:50:56 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:47:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-19:44:10 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:42:44 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:41:48 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:37:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:33:1 EPERM: operation not permitted, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:32:50 Cannot read property 0 of null
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:25:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:23:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:15:32 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:15:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:4:41 Cannot read property explodeUri of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-19:0:5 c is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:59:37 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:55:29 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:55:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:54:16 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:52:8 Cannot set property disconnect of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:51:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:50:50 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:49:14 selectdsp is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:44:43 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:32:38 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:31:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:28:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:4:15 Cannot read property has of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:4:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-18:4:8 certificate is not yet valid
RIVO 11/24/2024-17:57:47 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:55:35 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:55:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:53:8 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:52:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:47:49 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:43:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:41:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:35:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:24:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:10:21 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:5:30 Cannot read property unexport of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-17:2:42 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:57:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:57:35 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:56:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:54:17 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:53:17 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:51:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:47:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:44:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-16:44:32 Cannot read property service of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-16:43:59 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:42:3 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:39:48 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:33:41 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:33:9 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-16:29:3 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:28:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:20:45 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:18:46 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:18:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:17:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:14:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:14:7 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:12:42 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:8:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:7:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:5:45 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:4:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:3:4 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:2:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:2:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:1:52 spawn EIO
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:0:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-16:0:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:55:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:54:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:37:5 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:35:5 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:34:18 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:32:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:31:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:17:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:12:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:5:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:3:2 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:0:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-15:0:1 Cannot read property then of undefined
RIVO 11/24/2024-14:58:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:58:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:56:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:55:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:53:42 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-14:53:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:52:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:49:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:49:1 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:48:51 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:48:39 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:48:25 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:47:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:40:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:39:38 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:39:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:32:54 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:31:14 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:29:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:29:42 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:29:14 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:28:38 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:28:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:27:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:17:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:14:10 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:9:40 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:9:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:8:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:7:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-14:6:33 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:53:58 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:51:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:49:7 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:46:6 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:45:54 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:39:22 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:37:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:36:56 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:33:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:32:40 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:32:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:30:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:28:7 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:26:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:22:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:21:32 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:17:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:16:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:16:29 EPERM: operation not permitted, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:16:19 Cannot read property 0 of null
MOTIVO 11/24/2024-13:12:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:11:38 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:10:40 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:9:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:6:58 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:5:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:3:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-13:0:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:59:30 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:59:16 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Belgrade
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:58:2 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:55:2 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:54:23 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:53:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:53:13 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:48:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:46:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:44:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:42:42 Cannot read property ping of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:41:24 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MINIDSPSHD 11/24/2024-12:40:5 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:37:12 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:36:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:36:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:32:3 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:26:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:21:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:20:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
RIVO 11/24/2024-12:20:3 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:17:22 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:15:31 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:12:7 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:2:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:2:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-12:1:29 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:59:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:56:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:56:22 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:54:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:54:46 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:54:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:54:35 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:49:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:46:35 ENOTCONN: socket is not connected, lstat /mnt/USB/VOLUMIO
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:45:16 getaddrinfo -3007
INTEGRO 11/24/2024-11:35:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:34:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:23:23 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:15:23 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:15:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:14:35 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:14:20 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:11:35 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:8:52 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:6:28 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:2:40 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:2:19 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:2:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:2:4 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:1:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:0:31 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:0:30 spawn /volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/network/network_monitor.sh ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-11:0:3 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:58:45 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:56:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:55:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:52:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:50:55 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:46:24 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:45:5 Cannot read property unexport of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:44:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:44:38 spawn /volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/network/network_monitor.sh ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:44:21 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:43:3 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:42:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:41:9 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
MF 11/24/2024-10:37:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/24/2024-10:33:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:33:35 spawn /volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/network/network_monitor.sh ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:33:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:32:55 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:31:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:29:44 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:27:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:25:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:23:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:22:38 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:21:32 Cannot read property error of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:20:16 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:19:49 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:19:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:19:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:17:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:15:54 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:9:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:7:38 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:2:58 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-10:0:40 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:57:39 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:55:39 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:55:12 Cannot read property id of null
OPERA 11/24/2024-9:48:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:47:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:46:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:45:34 getaddrinfo -3007
RIVO 11/24/2024-9:40:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:30:14 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:28:20 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:23:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:22:29 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:20:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:17:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:17:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:8:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:7:5 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:6:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:2:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:2:3 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:1:7 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-9:0:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:53:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:48:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:46:31 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:46:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:42:0 file /mnt/USB/KINGSTON/Queen - Collection.(24 LP).Rock.WavPack/Freddie Mercury - Mr. Bad Guy (CBS-Sony 28AP 3030, Japan 1985)/Freddie Mercury - Mr. Bad Guy (LP) WV.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:38:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:38:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:33:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:31:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:24:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:22:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:19:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:16:16 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:14:5 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:3:31 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Moscow
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-8:3:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-8:3:11 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:59:23 Cannot read property close of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:54:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:52:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:52:14 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:51:7 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:50:54 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:49:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:46:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:45:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:45:31 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:43:26 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:43:3 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:32:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:29:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:29:21 Cannot read property off of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-7:25:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:23:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-7:15:20 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:57:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:32:3 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:28:48 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:27:57 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:26:16 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:24:7 URI malformed
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:23:36 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MF 11/24/2024-6:21:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:20:48 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:14:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-6:11:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp EACCES
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:59:15 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-5:50:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/24/2024-5:40:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:39:59 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:31:49 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:27:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:22:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/24/2024-5:22:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:15:46 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:14:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:13:15 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:12:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:12:3 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:11:18 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:10:1 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:6:29 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:6:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:4:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:3:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-5:0:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:52:31 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:44:10 Cannot read property replace of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-4:40:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:35:28 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:34:54 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:31:43 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:29:1 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:19:39 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:16:54 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:16:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-4:12:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:50:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/24/2024-3:47:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/24/2024-3:36:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:35:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:34:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:31:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:30:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-3:25:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:23:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:20:34 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-3:19:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:14:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:10:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:9:29 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:8:55 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:7:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-3:4:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-2:58:9 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-2:56:22 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-2:55:44 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-2:45:58 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-2:44:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
UNDEFINED 11/24/2024-2:29:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/24/2024-2:28:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-2:19:27 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:57:3 spawnSync /bin/sh ENOMEM
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:55:14 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:47:21 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:39:19 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:28:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:26:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/24/2024-1:26:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:24:34 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:22:37 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
OPERA 11/24/2024-1:15:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:13:0 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:11:1 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-1:0:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:52:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:48:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:39:56 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:30:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:26:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:23:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:22:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:20:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/24/2024-0:5:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:59:3 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:51:32 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:47:26 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:44:14 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:42:45 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:36:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:35:11 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:33:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:16:59 Cannot read property unexport of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-23:4:13 getaddrinfo -3007
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:56:22 Cannot read property replace of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:46:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:46:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:45:7 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:44:0 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:40:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:37:41 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading address)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:37:3 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:35:1 Cannot read property replace of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:34:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:32:17 Cannot read property replace of null
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:31:58 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:30:4 Cannot read property service of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:26:58 Cannot read property replace of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:26:40 Cannot read property split of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:26:35 Cannot read property service of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:26:0 Cannot read property replace of null
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:25:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/23/2024-22:22:52 Cannot read property replace of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:11:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:11:33 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:6:15 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:3:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-22:1:40 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:56:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:54:3 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:48:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:48:18 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading off)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:45:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:44:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:34:55 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:32:44 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:32:9 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:30:24 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-21:16:30 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:54:4 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:50:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:47:59 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:47:22 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:46:4 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:41:33 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:41:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:36:35 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:34:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:33:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:18:42 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:13:14 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:12:42 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:9:41 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:9:35 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:9:25 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:8:56 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:6:20 Unexpected token G in JSON at position 0
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:5:37 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
RIVO 11/23/2024-20:4:57 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:3:54 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:3:19 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-20:0:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:57:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:48:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:34:4 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:24:31 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:20:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:17:25 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:16:20 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:16:19 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:12:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-19:0:49 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:59:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:58:7 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:51:18 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:47:44 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:46:19 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:43:23 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:35:19 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:34:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:27:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:10:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/23/2024-18:9:6 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-18:4:34 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:55:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:51:38 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:46:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:30:51 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:30:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:30:32 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:28:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:25:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:20:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:19:51 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:13:4 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-17:11:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:59:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:57:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:56:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:56:20 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:55:49 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:53:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:52:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:51:33 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:49:39 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:49:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:48:27 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:45:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:44:4 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:44:3 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
PROJECTSBUS2 11/23/2024-16:39:44 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:38:30 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:37:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:36:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:36:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:36:22 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:36:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:34:54 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
OPERA 11/23/2024-16:34:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:33:35 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:27:18 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:25:15 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:21:1 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:12:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:9:42 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:9:34 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:7:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:6:1 station is not defined
OPERA 11/23/2024-16:4:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:4:33 Cannot read property toString of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:2:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:2:13 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Etc/GMT-8
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-16:1:32 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:59:12 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:58:23 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:58:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:56:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:53:29 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
Failed to set time zone: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.timedate1: timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:51:43 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 11/23/2024-15:47:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:45:8 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
OPERA 11/23/2024-15:44:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:41:8 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:37:17 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:33:52 Cannot set property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:32:47 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:32:21 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:31:44 certificate is not yet valid
OPERA 11/23/2024-15:29:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:25:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/23/2024-15:23:44 Cannot read property explodeUri of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:23:23 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:20:40 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:19:55 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:14:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:9:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
MINIDSPSHD 11/23/2024-15:7:38 Cannot read property clear of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:4:6 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:2:10 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-15:1:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:54:7 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:52:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:49:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:43:19 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:43:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:41:40 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Amsterdam
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:39:45 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Moscow
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:37:53 Cannot read property replace of undefined
DEQX 11/23/2024-14:34:39 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:31:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:30:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:18:28 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:16:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:13:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-14:7:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:59:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:59:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:56:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:54:43 Cannot read property pushMultiroomDevices of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:52:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:49:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:48:17 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:48:1 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:43:41 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:43:31 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:40:39 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:38:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:38:16 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:37:42 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:28:22 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:20:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:16:52 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:15:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:13:7 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:12:33 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:10:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:8:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:7:59 EPERM: operation not permitted, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:7:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:5:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:3:42 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:2:13 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-13:2:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:56:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:54:59 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:54:51 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:53:42 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:51:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:46:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:45:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:41:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/23/2024-12:31:24 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:29:7 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:28:30 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:28:7 Non okay return status: ACK
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:22:27 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:20:10 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:15:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:12:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:11:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:7:54 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:6:2 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:5:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-12:1:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:58:30 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:55:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:47:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:47:41 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:45:13 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:43:38 file /mnt/USB/Musique/Popa Chubby - Big,Bad And Beautiful Live 2015/CD 1/Popa Chubby - Big Bad And Beautiful Live (CD 1).flac.cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:33:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:32:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:31:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:30:34 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:27:2 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:22:56 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:21:13 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:20:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:20:4 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:19:43 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:19:19 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:18:53 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:18:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:18:13 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading length)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:16:52 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Bangkok
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:14:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:8:15 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:8:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:7:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:7:56 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:3:34 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-11:0:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:59:30 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:55:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:49:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:45:45 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:43:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:42:18 Type object is not supported
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:40:52 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:39:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:36:43 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:27:36 false == true
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:23:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:17:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:17:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:17:51 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:13:16 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:12:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-10:1:13 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
SMSL 11/23/2024-9:58:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:58:5 Non okay return status: ACK
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:55:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:52:53 Non okay return status: ACK
RIVO 11/23/2024-9:52:23 Cannot read property then of undefined
RIVO 11/23/2024-9:51:34 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:50:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:47:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:44:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:43:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:41:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:37:9 Cannot read property duration of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:33:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:32:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:31:34 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:30:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:29:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:27:34 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:25:18 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:23:19 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:23:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:21:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:21:22 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:20:57 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:14:26 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading getVolume)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:14:8 Failed to decode https://rr3---sn-i3b7kns6.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1732371246&ei=zo5BZ63KELTYs8IP27rCiQI&ip=
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:13:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:13:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:11:33 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:11:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:6:6 dns service error: unknown
SMSL 11/23/2024-9:5:18 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:0:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-9:0:19 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading getVolume)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:57:9 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:54:28 Cannot read property length of undefined
OPERA 11/23/2024-8:53:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:51:15 Failed to decode https://rr5---sn-i3belney.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1732369873&ei=cYlBZ6SuLYjk7OsPlsfn-Aw&ip=
MINIDSPSHD 11/23/2024-8:41:49 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:39:59 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:39:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/23/2024-8:38:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
SMSL 11/23/2024-8:33:34 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:29:32 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading getVolume)
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:29:14 Failed to decode https://rr5---sn-i3b7knlk.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1732368552&ei=SIRBZ7GRL83K2roPgrT1sQg&ip=
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:27:31 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:24:50 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:22:11 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:15:25 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-8:6:53 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:47:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:36:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:27:59 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:24:36 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:24:17 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:23:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:23:25 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
RIVO 11/23/2024-7:20:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:16:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:10:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-7:6:4 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:56:34 Cannot read property @ of null
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:53:15 Cannot read property sendCommand of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:52:20 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:51:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:47:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:47:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:44:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:43:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:39:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/23/2024-6:38:29 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND lastfm.freetls.fastly.net
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:34:55 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:31:34 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:31:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:23:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:6:30 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-6:1:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
OPERA 11/23/2024-5:52:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/23/2024-5:50:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:49:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:49:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:46:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:41:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:37:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:35:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
MF 11/23/2024-5:32:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:28:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:27:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/23/2024-5:25:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:25:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:25:27 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:22:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:20:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:17:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:12:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-5:10:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:42:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:39:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:32:7 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:23:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:19:12 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:9:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-4:3:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-3:48:29 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-3:25:2 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-3:10:33 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-3:1:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:57:17 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:48:20 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:44:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:39:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:28:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:22:5 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
OPERA 11/23/2024-2:17:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:16:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/23/2024-2:14:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:12:39 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:11:52 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:11:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:8:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:2:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-2:1:48 Cannot read property then of undefined
OPERA 11/23/2024-2:0:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/23/2024-1:44:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-1:41:4 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-1:33:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-1:20:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-1:19:57 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-1:9:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-0:58:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-0:36:11 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-0:14:5 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-0:10:5 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/23/2024-0:1:36 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-23:55:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-23:49:31 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-23:49:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/22/2024-23:40:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-23:39:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-23:14:21 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-23:0:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:59:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:59:24 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:56:12 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:54:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:53:35 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:52:8 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:50:5 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:46:29 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:39:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:21:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:21:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:17:44 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/22/2024-22:12:21 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:11:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-22:10:0 read ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/22/2024-22:6:4 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:53:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:47:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:45:31 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:37:44 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:33:53 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:11:12 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:8:45 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-21:2:14 Cannot read property split of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/22/2024-20:57:22 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:43:33 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:39:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:38:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:35:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:34:4 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:30:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:18:13 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:17:15 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:11:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/22/2024-20:5:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-20:4:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:58:49 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:51:51 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:49:51 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:41:49 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:36:45 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:32:48 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:29:36 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:29:14 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:28:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:27:25 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:25:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:25:9 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:10:59 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:10:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:7:26 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:4:54 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:4:0 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-19:3:17 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:56:45 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:48:3 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:48:3 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:47:38 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:45:25 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:43:51 Cannot read property length of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/22/2024-18:40:24 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:38:40 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:37:7 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:33:37 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:29:0 Cannot read property length of undefined
RIVO 11/22/2024-18:25:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-18:10:16 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:59:55 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:57:14 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:53:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:52:59 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:52:11 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:49:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:37:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:32:53 Cannot read property stop of null
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:30:10 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:29:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:23:37 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:23:6 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:17:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-17:16:50 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:59:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:55:24 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:54:57 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:54:18 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:54:12 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:53:19 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:52:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:51:49 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:51:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:49:9 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Bratislava
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:40:18 ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:39:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:33:4 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:30:1 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:28:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:28:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:18:46 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:18:20 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:9:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:8:0 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:3:53 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Hong_Kong
Failed to set time zone: Failed to activate service org.freedesktop.timedate1: timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-16:1:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:59:42 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:56:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:48:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:47:24 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:45:22 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Bangkok
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:43:3 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading getVolume)
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:42:46 Failed to decode https://rr4---sn-i3b7knzl.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1732308165&ei=ZZhAZ5aJFYf9vcAP1qXmsAs&ip=
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:41:49 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:37:59 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:36:43 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:35:47 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:34:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:32:58 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:32:16 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:32:6 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:31:7 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:28:42 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading getVolume)
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:28:25 Failed to decode https://rr2---sn-aigl6nl7.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?expire=1732307301&ei=BZVAZ7HPJLX_vcAPpviGwAI&ip=
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:26:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:21:42 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:19:41 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:18:7 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:15:44 Reference.child failed: First argument was an invalid path = /user_data/0X5yOZECrRhzJQ6vEt5GazYi2ls2/myPlaylists/Bruch
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:10:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:9:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:9:20 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:7:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:4:35 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:1:42 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-15:0:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:55:5 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:53:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:52:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:49:43 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:48:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/22/2024-14:47:22 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:44:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:43:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:40:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:37:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:30:32 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:20:40 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:18:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:16:54 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:15:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:15:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:12:47 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:12:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:11:25 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:11:7 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:10:33 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:7:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-14:6:29 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MINIDSPSHD 11/22/2024-14:0:12 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:53:13 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:49:47 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:35:31 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:31:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:23:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:19:46 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:18:54 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:13:9 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:9:37 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:1:46 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-13:0:18 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:59:38 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:59:32 Cannot read property rparadise of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:57:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:48:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:43:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:35:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:32:37 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:24:43 ENODEV: no such device, write
RIVO 11/22/2024-12:24:28 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:21:20 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:15:28 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-12:9:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/22/2024-11:56:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:48:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:48:16 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:44:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:43:1 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:40:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:16:11 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:15:53 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:14:47 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:13:47 file /mnt/NAS/CipiNAS/[Eac Flac Cue]Ligabue-Radiofreccia[LIFE]/CD1/Radiofreccia (CD 1).cue does not exist
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:11:56 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:10:56 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:9:56 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:9:19 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:5:36 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:1:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:0:3 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-11:0:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:59:53 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:59:45 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:59:16 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:59:8 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:59:2 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:58:48 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:55:51 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:54:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:49:16 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:49:1 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:48:20 connect ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:43:19 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:42:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:42:24 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:42:17 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:42:11 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:41:57 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
RIVO 11/22/2024-10:40:50 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:40:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:38:52 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:30:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:22:9 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:21:18 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:16:16 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:8:3 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:5:33 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:4:56 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:4:17 Not running
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:3:42 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-10:2:47 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:57:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:48:46 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:44:28 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:44:5 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:58 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:49 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:43 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:35 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:13 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:43:4 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:42:51 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:42:22 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:42:15 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:42:6 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:41:34 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:38:31 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:37:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:37:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:34:50 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:32:4 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:23:44 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:22:45 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:18:46 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:15:25 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:15:6 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:12:52 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:11:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/22/2024-9:7:11 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-9:4:22 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:59:20 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:54:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:51:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:49:5 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:47:29 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:46:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:46:11 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:39:35 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:38:17 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:35:0 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:30:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:26:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:23:37 getaddrinfo EBUSY ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-8:12:18 Cannot read property title of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/22/2024-7:49:42 Cannot read property cats of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-7:38:38 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-7:36:4 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-7:34:5 getaddrinfo -3007
MF 11/22/2024-7:30:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-7:24:24 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-7:21:13 getaddrinfo EBUSY ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-7:9:43 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:53:41 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:47:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:38:14 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:37:19 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
OPERA 11/22/2024-6:36:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:27:40 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:26:25 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:20:42 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:16:18 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:15:10 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:12:11 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:11:32 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-6:8:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:59:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:51:4 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:48:34 Cannot read property @ of null
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:41:26 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:38:15 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:37:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:33:36 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:25:11 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:20:38 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:19:48 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
OPERA 11/22/2024-5:17:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:17:54 dns service error: unknown
MINIDSPSHD 11/22/2024-5:17:14 Cannot read property service of undefined
MF 11/22/2024-5:10:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-5:5:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/22/2024-5:2:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:51:9 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:43:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:37:53 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:37:3 dns service error: unknown
MF 11/22/2024-4:34:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:33:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:32:32 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-4:32:23 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:36:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:34:38 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:34:28 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:34:8 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/USB
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:34:4 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:33:7 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/NAS
MF 11/22/2024-3:30:55 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-3:29:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/22/2024-3:26:41 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:59:26 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/22/2024-2:42:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:39:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:34:17 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:32:19 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:31:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:14:52 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:14:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:2:22 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-2:0:36 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-1:53:35 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-1:50:6 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-1:39:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-1:33:53 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-1:33:18 Cannot read property PLUGIN_NAME of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-1:28:28 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:59:58 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:51:57 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:47:2 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:45:25 self.logger.search is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:42:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:13:47 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/22/2024-0:11:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-23:49:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-23:33:58 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-23:26:39 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-23:8:22 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-23:1:48 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:57:44 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:52:12 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:44:31 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:44:8 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:43:37 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:22:50 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:22:9 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
PROJECTSBUS2 11/21/2024-22:20:28 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:13:53 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:9:16 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:8:51 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:4:31 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-22:1:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:57:53 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
PROJECTSBUS2 11/21/2024-21:56:33 listen EADDRINUSE :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:54:34 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:50:36 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:35:35 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:34:50 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:28:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:24:44 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:23:52 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:17:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:11:5 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:9:29 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-21:0:35 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:58:32 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:55:0 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:53:38 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/FRITZ.NAS
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:50:53 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:50:31 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:48:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:37:23 Cannot read property config of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:29:24 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:29:13 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:15:41 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:5:22 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
MINIDSPSHD 11/21/2024-20:3:33 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-20:0:31 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:57:43 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:54:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
DEQX 11/21/2024-19:50:17 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:47:58 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:46:44 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:43:55 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:43:17 EIO: i/o error, scandir /data/plugins/
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:38:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/21/2024-19:16:31 Cannot read property cover of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:15:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:10:34 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:10:30 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:9:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:8:10 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:7:40 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-19:6:41 Cannot read property service of undefined
RIVO 11/21/2024-19:5:24 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:59:43 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:55:38 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:52:27 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:49:53 Cannot read property close of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:47:36 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:47:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:46:32 Cannot read property replace of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:44:52 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Kiev
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:44:15 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:41:48 Cannot read property id of null
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:38:40 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:34:53 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:33:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:30:56 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:25:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:21:25 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:21:7 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:20:40 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:17:31 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:13:22 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:9:5 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-18:0:52 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:57:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:55:51 Cannot read property tune_radio of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:53:1 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:51:45 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:43:17 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:41:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:40:39 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:38:21 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:32:24 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:31:57 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:24:5 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:15:7 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:9:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:6:12 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:5:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-17:4:44 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:57:29 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:54:37 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:54:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:49:5 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:45:11 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:40:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:38:0 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:32:56 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:29:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:24:47 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:22:15 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:21:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:17:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:16:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:13:54 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:12:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:8:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:8:32 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:6:20 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:5:21 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:3:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-16:3:30 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:58:42 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:54:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:52:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:50:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:46:53 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:46:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:41:54 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:41:43 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:41:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:39:59 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:32:33 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:23:22 elf is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:14:57 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:10:46 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:10:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:2:37 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:2:37 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:2:14 read ECONNRESET
OPERA 11/21/2024-15:1:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-15:0:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:59:59 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:57:4 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:54:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:51:30 spawn ENOMEM
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:50:31 elf is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:50:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:46:45 Cannot read property mer of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:45:27 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:41:47 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:40:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:39:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:37:22 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:36:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:31:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:27:9 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:26:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:24:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:23:44 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:23:7 self is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:21:42 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:19:47 A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:16:45 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:16:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:11:22 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:9:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-14:8:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:59:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:58:31 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:58:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
UNDEFINED 11/21/2024-13:57:45 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:50:55 deferred is not defined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:41:19 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:39:22 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:37:37 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:36:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:35:54 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:32:28 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:30:57 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:23:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:18:3 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Kiev
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:10:8 f.split(...)[0].capitalize is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:9:50 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-13:6:7 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-12:58:57 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-12:38:13 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-12:33:39 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
MINIDSPSHD 11/21/2024-12:31:46 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-12:26:23 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-12:19:32 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:59:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:54:44 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:53:56 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:53:27 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:50:58 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:50:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
MF 11/21/2024-11:34:17 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:34:17 Cannot read property charAt of undefined
MF 11/21/2024-11:31:38 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:31:23 dns service error: unknown
OPERA 11/21/2024-11:24:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:24:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
MF 11/21/2024-11:23:47 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/21/2024-11:18:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
MF 11/21/2024-11:10:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-11:4:9 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:51:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:45:15 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:40:59 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:36:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:36:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:35:24 Cannot read properties of undefined (reading then)
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:35:15 children[i].attr(...).value is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:34:1 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:30:19 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:26:1 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:22:48 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:22:27 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:14:8 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-10:3:32 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
OPERA 11/21/2024-10:3:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
RIVO 11/21/2024-9:58:27 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:54:15 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:49:32 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:48:59 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:25:38 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:22:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:20:58 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:14:5 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-9:8:44 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/21/2024-9:0:6 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:56:22 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:55:57 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:50:24 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:50:24 Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
Failed to set time zone: Access denied
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:49:55 Unknown
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:49:15 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:40:3 read ECONNRESET
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:38:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:26:7 children[i].attr(...).value is not a function
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:11:50 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-8:4:37 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:51:10 Cannot read property service of undefined
OPERA 11/21/2024-7:49:56 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:49:15 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:39:8 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:34:59 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:34:33 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:20:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:13:14 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:10:6 Cannot read property off of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:7:27 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:3:42 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-7:1:30 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:59:3 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:52:27 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:47:34 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:43:39 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:29:19 Cannot read property toUpperCase of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:28:55 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:26:20 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:4:2 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:3:33 socket hang up
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:2:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-6:0:10 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-5:57:0 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-5:53:58 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-5:52:48 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-5:12:5 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-5:7:33 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-5:1:14 ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir /tmp/peppyrunning
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-4:43:26 Cannot read property value of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-4:37:21 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-4:32:52 connect ETIMEDOUT
PROJECTSBUS2 11/21/2024-4:29:49 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-4:13:21 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-4:2:32 ENOENT: no such file or directory, open /data/plugins/music_service/80s80s/fake-data.json
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:50:33 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:50:26 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:48:35 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:21:57 Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:19:19 spawnSync /bin/sh EMFILE
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:4:4 EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir /mnt/NAS/stuff
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-3:3:59 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-2:57:57 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-2:19:53 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-2:16:26 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-2:15:36 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/21/2024-2:12:12 connect ETIMEDOUT
OPERA 11/21/2024-2:9:51 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-2:6:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-1:46:52 Cannot read property then of undefined
OPERA 11/21/2024-1:40:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-1:35:31 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-1:7:42 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-1:1:11 Cannot read property plugin_type of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/21/2024-0:46:52 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-23:59:26 read ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-23:46:22 Cannot read property broadcastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-23:17:2 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-23:9:45 Cannot read property writeSync of undefined
RIVO 11/20/2024-23:9:25 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:58:20 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:45:34 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:41:48 Cannot read property printToastMessage of null
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:26:26 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:22:48 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:16:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:16:15 EBADF: bad file descriptor, write
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-22:14:3 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:47:19 addMembership ENODEV
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:33:38 Cannot read property type of null
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:31:23 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:28:53 The value NaN is not a number
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:26:46 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:25:47 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
PRIMO2REV2 11/20/2024-21:25:10 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:20:29 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:20:1 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:19:19 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:17:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:16:6 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:6:49 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:5:41 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-21:3:57 connect EISCONN /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:53:37 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:52:56 ESPIPE: invalid seek, write
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:39:13 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:36:38 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:35:26 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:31:52 send ENETUNREACH
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:31:12 certificate is not yet valid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:24:16 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:21:30 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::3000
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:15:30 Cannot read property split of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-20:1:47 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-19:54:39 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-19:41:13 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-19:35:49 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-19:33:38 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-19:17:7 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-19:15:56 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
RIVO 11/20/2024-19:4:25 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:58:0 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:54:39 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:52:50 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:51:19 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:50:2 dns service error: unknown
RIVO 11/20/2024-18:49:11 Cannot read property then of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:45:53 Cannot read property send of null
RIVO 11/20/2024-18:44:43 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:41:8 dns service error: unknown
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:33:33 Cannot read property service of undefined
RIVO 11/20/2024-18:32:14 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:31:2 Cannot read property service of undefined
RIVO 11/20/2024-18:29:23 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
RIVO 11/20/2024-18:25:20 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:21:12 listen EADDRINUSE :::3005
BLADELIUS 11/20/2024-18:18:41 Cannot read property highestSoundQuality of undefined
RIVO 11/20/2024-18:17:30 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:12:31 Maximum call stack size exceeded
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:10:29 getaddrinfo -3007
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:8:17 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:8:10 listen EADDRINUSE :::3000
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:8:1 listen EADDRINUSE :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:8:1 listen EADDRINUSE :::3000
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:7:12 Cannot read property config of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:1:50 EBADF: bad file descriptor, close
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-18:0:33 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:50:59 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:49:31 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:46:59 Cannot read property name of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:46:10 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:43:44 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:43:14 listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::6599
RIVO 11/20/2024-17:41:48 Cannot create property type on string invalid
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:36:35 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:31:39 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:30:50 spawn /data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/camilladsp ENOENT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:23:30 Cannot read property length of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:13:26 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:7:21 Cannot read property length of undefined
MINIDSPSHD 11/20/2024-17:4:0 write EPIPE
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-17:0:18 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:58:21 Cannot read property service of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:51:34 Cannot read property importServicePlaylists of undefined
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:47:21 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:37:54 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:33:14 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:30:42 connect ECONNREFUSED
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:30:16 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:29:56 listen EADDRINUSE :::6599
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:29:8 connect ETIMEDOUT
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:23:44 getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ws.audioscrobbler.com
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:22:11 Unable to resolve or reject the same promise twice
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:18:20 listen EADDRINUSE :::3000
VOLUMIO 11/20/2024-16:18:11 listen EADDRINUSE :::6599